Remote Quantum Random Number Generator

by Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia

The experimental remote quantum random generator (QRNG) web service is based on a IDQ Quantis QRNG device. The link between the web service and its clients is quantum-safe , i.e., encrypted by PQC algorithms: FrodoKEM and SPHINCS+.

Please, cite our paper: S. Kozlovičs, J. Vīksna: A Transparent Remote Quantum Random Number Generator over a Quantum-Safe Link [Download BibTeX]


RQRNG diagram


In order to connect to our QRNG web service, you will need the QRNG client native library and these files:

  • ca.truststore (the root CA certificate used to sign the QRNG server HTTPS certificate and client sertificates)
  • token.keystore (your client certificate, signed by the CA that serves the QRNG server)
  • (key passwords and other settings)

The files are currently provided upon request by mailing to syslab_services at Place them into the same directory where the QRNG client library (“qrng.dll”, “qrng.dylib”, or “”) is located.

We are going to provide Windows and Linux software that replaces the system random number generator with ours.

All certificates (CA, client-side, and server-side) are based on the quantum-resistant SPHINCS+ algorithm.

The source code for the QRNG web service can be found here.

Further Information

For more information about how to set up the:


Research supported by the European Regional Development Fund, project No.

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